These past two years have been quite the challenge. So many things have been disrupted and not as would like or as we would have wanted. We are all ready to get back to normal.
Well, we've got a proposal. Instead of getting back to normal lets move forward to what is next. What is God’s plan for us? After a hard year, let’s dream big again.
One of the best examples in scripture of a group moving forward is Joshua and the conquest of the promised land. As we look at their examples, we see ways that we can dream again, move together again, and faithful with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness (i.e.. our stewardship) in the coming days.
Here's what we'll be talking about. Remember, you can live stream our worship, watch anytime on demand, or podcast our sermons.
October 3 – Joshua 1: 1-9: Be strong and Courageous. COVID has causes to forget how to dream. Instead of wanting to go back to normal; let’s move forward to what God is calling us to; it will take all of us.
Watch Gay and Perry Huff's Stewardship Testimony
October 10 – Joshua 2: 1-24 – Moving Forward to Faith – Rahab and the spies. Rahab trusting God, and the spies, was a crazy thing to do. It took a leap of faith to do that. Where is God calling us to move forward in faith.
Watch Will and Christine Selman's Stewardship Testimony
October 17 – Forward in Unity – Joshua 6: 12-16 – Jericho. It took everyone, doing everything, even blowing trumpets, for this to work. When we all come together, in unity, we can truly move forward.
Watch Anse, Courtney, Ella B and Charlie's Stewardship Testimony
October 24 – Forward in Letting Go – Joshua 7: 1-5; 8: 30-35 – Ai, the Israelites failed there. They messed up. Before the could move forward, they had to let go of the past, it’s hurt, it’s failures, it’s pain.
Watch Scott and Kim Waller's Stewardship Testimony
October 31 – Choose – Joshua 24- As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Will you choose to move forward with us here at St. Matthew’s?
Watch Jay Ciacoo's Stewardship Testimony