We are excited to announce that St. Matthew's is now reopened for public worship. Notice we are not saying that the church is re-opening, because the church never closed. Yes, we were not in our facilities as much as we may like, the church remained open through worship (though different), service, and witness. We are excited to let you know about our plans for public corporate worship and how you can be a part.
We will have a 9:00 a.m. Drive-In Service in the North Parking lot, and at 11:00 a.m. we will have a Traditional Service in the Sanctuary and INTERSECTION service in Hart Hall, and we will continue to offer outstanding online worship each Sunday, with an 8:30 a.m. online only service and both of our 11:00.m. services at www.stm-umc.org/live
Due to social distancing guidelines from the CDC as well as the recommendation from our Bishop and the Mississippi Annual Conference, and the State of Mississippi, we will have limited space in the Sanctuary and Hart Hall. We will have space for 70 persons at 11:00 a.m. Tradition, and 40 for INTERSECTION. There are no limits for our Drive-In Service and Online Services.
Because of these limitations, we are asking you to RSVP for these services. You can click on the links below to reserve your seats. Click on the service you wish to attend and then click on the button that says "register." The reservation service we are using (Eventbright) uses the term "tickets" to RSVP, but don't let that term confuse you, there are no actual tickets to printed and brought, it is simply their language. Also, you can call the church at 601-856-9581 to RSVP.
9:00 Drive In - Drive in bulletin here
11:00 Traditional - Click here to reserve your seats. Select the date for the upcoming Sunday in the upper right corner and reserve the number of seats you need.
11:00 INTERSECTION - Click here to reserve your seats. Select the date for the upcoming Sunday in the upper right corner and reserve the number of seats you need.
In conversation with other churches in the area and key leaders in our church family, we have chosen to abide by these protocols for the safety of our members and staff when returning to in-person worship at this time:
- Doors will be held open by a volunteer in mask and gloves giving out hand sanitizer as you come in and leave the building.
- Masks will be required for in-person worship, with masks available at the door for those who don’t have one. (When it comes to children, we ask that children of elementary age and up wear a mask.)
- We will limit the number of people in each in-person worship service, asking that people RSVP for a service online or by calling the church office at 601-856-9581
- We ask that you not gather together before or after worship, and instead of that, we wave to each other following social distancing guidelines. There will be no passing of the peace or greeting time in worship.
- There will be no congregational singing.
- Offering plates will not be passed. We will encourage online giving and have set receptacles onsite for offering to be placed in.
- Coffee will not be available.
- We encourage (but do not require) persons within a vulnerable population group to continue to worship from home or Drive-In Worship.
- Anyone with symptoms (fever of over 100.4, cough, or shortness of breath) or if you have come into contact with someone with COVID, please worship with us online and seek appropriate medical attention.