Rise Against Hunger works in countries worldwide to fight hunger, targeting communities facing high rates of food insecurity.
A Rise Against Hunger packing event is a hands-on mission opportunity where volunteers come together to pack nutritious, shelf-stable meals that will be distributed to people in need around the world. These meals are designed to provide critical nourishment for individuals facing food insecurity, including children in schools, families in crisis, and communities recovering from disasters. During the event, participants work in assembly-line stations, measuring ingredients, sealing meal packages, and boxing them for shipment. It’s a fun, energetic, and family-friendly activity that makes a real difference.
At St. Matthew’s UMC, we host this event each August as a way to live out our faith by feeding the hungry and supporting global efforts to end hunger. Every meal packed is a step toward a world where hunger no longer exists, and your participation helps bring that vision closer to reality.