He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
To do justice - “act justly”
So, we’ve got a cat
17 years old
Older than our children
Gets mad at us, just leaves
Every morning comes into our room and just yells at us
I feed him, he’s still mad
She feeds him, he’s still made
What do you want?
Last week - after the rising
Resurrection, nothing goes back to normal
It can’t
As we come back, what do we want to be
I don’t want to go back to normal
Today, what do you want?
He goes through all the things that God may want
Justice, mercy, humbly with God
Orthodoxy to orthopraxy
Right doctrine to right living
This has a legal bent to it - do what the law expects
Live in a morally and legal upright way
But look at the context
They were keeping the offerings, doing the religious duty
But we see later, they were cheating the poor and not keeping the heart of the law
Unless your righteousness surpasses
They kept the law
They missed the heart
That is what is happening here
They kept the law
The looked good
But in how they treated
How they loved
How they cared
How they act
If we deeply love
We will want what is best
We will work for each other
Care each other
The law hinges on this
LoG and N
As long as there are poor, hungry, abused, racism, etc, we have work to do
As long as folks don’t know Jesus, we have work to do
I never know what my cat wants
I know what God wants